I saw this sign in east central Pennsylvania and I was nonplussed. I still don't know what to say.
I saw this sign in east central Pennsylvania and I was nonplussed. I still don't know what to say.
The Hope Cemetary in Barre, Vermont is home to one of the country's most interesting cemetaries. This is a favorite of mine, this man and his wife, a dreamy poof of smoke.
Curtis's Ribs in southern Vermont is a restaurant in a school bus. My guess is that this is Curtis, but I've been wrong before (once).
I'll be traveling until the 30th of June, so my site participation will be spotty until after the 4th of July. I'll probably post a few more photos soon.
An insatiable masochist, Hot Dog Boy wants to be eaten. I wonder if that crazy cannibal guy in Germany's still taking volunteers?