Images: July 2005 Archives
Continue reading Urban Decay in Philadelphia 2 by Chris Leavens.
The dear and lovely Andrea passes the time on the "World's Most Comfortable Swing." What sort of governing body decreed that particular swing the world's most comfortable? Guiness? PA Tourism Board? And what system of comfortability measurement were they using, was it in the metric units of comfortability? So many unanswered questions, so much comfort.
I recently spotted Dio in the area. I didn't get to meet him, though. He turned into a wilderbeast and ran off as soon as I snapped this picture.
Taken at a fire scene early in 2004. This one has never seen the light of day and reminds me of Dio.
this one is from early last year.
Taken on a cold and wet day in early January of this year. I was driving around looking for anything to take a picture of. My favorite part is the bigfoot figure moving through the bottom of the photo. I waited nearly an hour for someone to walk down that street.