March 25, 2009 9:17 PM
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This page contains a single entry by Chris Leavens published on March 25, 2009 9:17 PM.
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There's an aeroplane above the small red guy's head...
I like poop.
That's no small red guy -- that's a big red penguin.
That's no aeroplane -- that's a raven.
Poop? Awww Yeaaah.
Isn't that relatively close to the infamous Groom Lake /Area 51?
Are you sure it isn't a UFO???
In the famous words of Fox Mulder...."The truth is out there."
And you my friend may have just provided proof to the truth.
It just might be a raven, pooping on the penguin in some kinky sex game while the miner holds the camera and the ghost hangs his head in shame, of course.
I hang my head in shame sometimes.
I like this picture a lot. I'm glad you decided to focus on the petrified towel... err, ghost.
There is no shame in having a fine and sturdy bike to ply the ether between the worlds. A beach cruiser for the shores of the infinite. A Huffy for the banks of the Styx.
There is even less shame in having a penguin for a friend, or of knowing where to find the Mother Load.
No, no shame. Hold your head up and pedal the sandy shafts of the endless mine with pride...
Also, if you ever have to pick one over the other, never go to Ballarat instead of Rhyolite.