This is what a close-up view of the wrinkles on my brain looks like (Illustration Friday, topic: wrinkles).

OK, I admit it, this has almost nothing to do with wrinkles, but this is what I was working on.
This is what a close-up view of the wrinkles on my brain looks like (Illustration Friday, topic: wrinkles).
OK, I admit it, this has almost nothing to do with wrinkles, but this is what I was working on.
wrinkles or no wrinkles, always interesting and imaginative!
It could be a close up of the wrinkles on your brain in a Seussical way! LOL!
Cool picture again!!
Are those buildings the upper pyramidal tracts?
Seriously though, your latest shading experiments (like on the Thanksgiving dragon's chest) and use of contrasting colors give
this one a nice 3-D quality.
Beautiful composition. I really like the red dragon in the background
This one may well have the best colour scheme of all'uns to this point. I like that about it, and I am not afraid to say so here, in this public forum.
Perhaps the wrinkle is in the dragons' plans to use their Legendary Fist Breath to lay down the Fantastic Smack on the reasonably cool residents of Talltown City. It seems they didn't count on little Johnny Hedgethumper's most unusual seedlings rising up to protect the town's choicest properties.
How you knew about this or even captured it so well is grist for the mill of further speculation; what remains certain and undeniably true right here, right now, is that whatever the hell it is (or was) you captured, you captured well.
So that explains why you are so creative, you have little creatures living in your brain wrinkles! I wonder if I have any? This is the best stretch ever, love the colors and shapes...the smoke coming out their mouths is great
Wow! This illustration just blows me away! Wonderful colour combination and great imagination!
Fantastically mesmerising!
Like the character designs and layout on this! Another great work in progress...
your illustrations are always a treat for the eyes :-)
awesome as usual, jeez, stop raising the bar, it makes the rest of us have to work harder! ; )
a : )
It is like the ghosts of their animal foods are coming out to give some high-fives now! I think I like it very much.
Hey Chris, I'm trying to link you at my barratuna site...I thought I had but apparently had an issue with my you have a blogspot url or what is your home url that I can link to...Thanks
Hi Chris!
I absolutely love your creatures!
...and your illustration style,
and color palette!
Thanks for the comment last week...
sorry it took me this long to reply!