Another Illustration Friday submission (the theme is garden) and a new illustration:

I've decided to commit myself to one illustration a week indefinitely. I've uploaded this one to my Imagekind store, so it's available for purchase if anyone's interested.
this is wonderful, he looks like he feels cramped underground! cute!
a : )
What a cool, fantastic image! Unique and wonderful!
Thanks andi and Scott!
Dude, I'm digging this more and more. Good blend of colours and makes me get that real "harvest time" fell, like in the old days. This would make a nice picture for October.
this is so funny, i really love the simplicity of it too.
how did you guess... I love fall time. I really like this piece. Great use of colors. I like how the sun really seems to be shining.
Great idea!
This hydrocephalic prawn is nicely rendered but also menacing. How many of his brothers will awaken to join in conquest? I shudder to think that people find this comforting.
Great illo.
I like this one quite much. Toothy tubers are cool.
I can't wait to see what you conjure up for next week's theme, "Farming Accident".
Is that a carrot? hehaha of course it is. He look stuck under the ground or maybe he was sleepin? heheaha I like his tooth. a vampire carrot. haha. Great illo. ;)
How many? I don't know.
Why do we take comfort? Desperate times call for the hard-core. The bagels have cooled and the soup sits under a skin of its own design. The people want The New by any means necessary or weird.
Again, how many? I don't know... But probably not enough.
There will be a reckoning. Chris has given us more warning than we deserve.
I think next week's theme should be "Rubba."
Chris! All the effort you put into IAD is really paying off.
This may be the best one yet...
what a determined little tuber! the composition and the colors are awesome!
Fantastic! You can almost feel the heat.
Thanks to everyone for dropping by and commenting -- it's really encouraging.
Ed: I'm glad you picked up on the sense of impending menace. I was going for a feeling of innocent yet ominous.
Jack: I felt pretty good about this one. After the whole Illustration a Day thing, it was nice to take my time on this one, walk away and come back, work on details, etc. Time is awesome.
Alex: Perhaps if we all felt as confident in free will as you do, we could see each other through the rain...
Others: Carrots are not tubers.
nice work Chris. Great mood and colors and drawing.
Chris: That is obviously a tuber trapped in a carrot's body. The ground is like "the closet" it is soon to come out of.
Not quite the Liberace of vegetables, but more like a Will and Grace fan.
Captcha says...The pleasures.
cool carrot! great style you have. ;-)
That's pretty awesome...