February 6, 2008 12:06 AM
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This page contains a single entry by Chris Leavens published on February 6, 2008 12:06 AM.
IAD2 5: She's Dressed for the H-Bomb by Chris Leavens was the previous entry in this blog.
IAD2 7: Secrets by Chris Leavens is the next entry in this blog.
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Well composed and engaging in all ways subtle and profound.
I dig especially the shadow on the ramp, the red ramp. Perhaps you're more optimistic about a socialist victory than I am. Irregardless, you are certainly right in your message: the time is right for such a thing... I just didn't think it would be eight o'clock, is all.
Sigh... I just knew that when the Revolution came, it'd be before I wanted to get up...
And don't think I haven't noticed the crossed fingers; are they for luck? Or do they represent the failed ambitions and broken promises that could, if we fall back on old habits and such, undermine the New Era before it even gets off the ground?
Bold and proppa.
There's a GlassJaw song called "When One Eight Becomes Two Zeroes"...
This is my favorite so far because I love clocks of all kinds. Seriously.
Also, does "Prime Time Love" from The Carpenters count?
The Alan Parsons Project recorded a song called "Prime Time" in the mid-'80s (post-"Eye in the Sky").