February 27, 2008 12:27 AM
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This page contains a single entry by Chris Leavens published on February 27, 2008 12:27 AM.
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Dag, yo; this is one of the strongest ideas you've illustrated in this second go-at for the illustroo-at.
I like your choice of colours, not only for the harmony of it all, but also because it's kind of an unexpected palette for you.
The trees are, perhaps, your best designed, so far. The owl-thingy's big eye makes me think that it is a being struggling with some sort of dual-nature.
Methinks Vaseland is a few scientists and a deep rap-session away from joy.
Man, i'd like to see thing guy and the Lorax fight a deathmatch in the cage!
Yes; this more closely approaches the Seussian than any pic since the tree-cutting one. I think this bird wants to be the only purple thing in the forest. And some Visine.
I would like his help breaking down my cardboard for recycling.
Todays captch: Landau 10. One of my favorite mangas.
This is definitely my favorite of the current go-round.
Ed: I think the "Landau 10" were a group of radical coach-builders who were famously brought to trial in the "sixties" for taking to the streets in the dead of night in a semi-successful attempt to cover all the tops of the era's popular metal-topped cars with luscious and classy vinyl.
You may, of course, be referring to the manga adaptation of their capture and trial. It was a day of decidedly mixed feelings in Rhineland-Palatinate when they were captured, and that graphic depiction (as well as the home video of the anime derived from it) remains a hott seller in the region to this day.