October 26, 2007 8:29 PM
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This page contains a single entry by Dave Tamkus published on October 26, 2007 8:29 PM.
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Nice one.
I'm not sure why, but I find the bar across the eyes thing very appealing whenever I see it. Except when it's on that space dude from Reading Rainbow.
Dag, yo; this looks like a really swell "hiphop" album cover.
"Neighbor's Wife," by L'il Nayba.
Chris, I think you mean that dude from Star Trek. My favorite episode with him was when he was beamed to some slave planet. OJ was there, and so was the dad from Good Times. I'm not sure how it ended since it was a really long episode.
Wow, Weaver, you're right! I had forgotten about that episode, and it was a goody. Normally I don't much care for the ones where they go to some rustic planet, but this one was tops. Long, too, for sure; must have been a "sweeps" episode.
What's weird is that we watched the entire thing in sixth grade one February. I don't think they'd decided to call it "Star Trek: TNG" yet, so maybe it was a pilot..?