October 8, 2007 12:08 AM
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This page contains a single entry by Chris Leavens published on October 8, 2007 12:08 AM.
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The textures! The memories!
Somewhat like my most fearful dreams is this mighty tableau. While your colours flow like quicksilver, there is not even the littlest thing which distracts from the message of defiance writ large here.
As the bubbles of his resolve collect, there will be not for small fish but the soft whistle of cold steel's bite.
Bubbles, stripes, and victory! You've done it!
This reminds me of a story (or maybe movie) about they guy who is the last person on earth who hasn't turned into a vampire, and he spends his days killing the vampires in their sleep, and then at night he locks himself in some type of fortification and hopes they don't find him in his sleep. Of course, the cruel twist is that if there are no live people left, then the vampires cannot live, either.
This picture is now my work wallpaper.
Not a movie...yet. Will Smith is in it, I think. Called, I Am Legend?
Based on the book "I Am Legend." The Will Smith one will be the third film based on it. The first two were "The Last Man On Earth" with Vincent price, and "The Omega Man" with Charlton Heston.
Interesting bit: The fountain Heston's character finally dies in is the same fountain in the opening titles to the famous TV show "Friends."
Being a trained designer I can really appreciate the style your works have. What program are you using to create these modern-day materpieces? Photoshop? Illustrator? Both? Or some other fancy program that I, living in the Coal Region, have never heard of?
Mostly Illustrator. Photoshop for textures. Over the past five years or so, I've gotten to the point where I'm probably better and more comfortable drawing with Illustrator than drawing freehand. I told another artist that a year or so ago and he shuddered.