October 30, 2007 12:30 AM
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This page contains a single entry by Chris Leavens published on October 30, 2007 12:30 AM.
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Very nice. High five.
I likes the colours in this one, as well as the mood. Something about it makes me think of things like David Lynch movies and diverse films noire. The shading on the lamp stand makes it look almost totally real.
I don't have a funny story to go with this one as I cannot think of one and as there is nothing funny about a Winglamp that hasn't yet released its plug.
It looks like it's dangling the label from a teabag. But then again, all flying lamps look like that from a distance.
FYI, still digging the tones and stark simplicity of this one. Wouldn't mind seeing more Winglamps in future pieces.