October 28, 2007 12:28 AM
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This page contains a single entry by Chris Leavens published on October 28, 2007 12:28 AM.
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That's one mean case of frostbite.
Is that the hand of the Almighty slicing bread? I would have thoght he could just snap His finger and it would all be sliced, but I guess He likes to live like us common bread-slicing-with-a-knife types.
Also, I really like limited color pallets. I have always thought they were very cool, and in this case the color pallet is really, really cool.
I think I am going to make myself an ice bread, peanut butter and jelly sandwich now.
Daaaaaag! This is totalutely right there and ALL THAT.
I dig the limited colour; I dig the bold design. I'm not sure if it's my favourite, but it is certainly the most "all pro" looking.
I loves the shading on the loaf, the angle of the slice, and the word "loaf." The title ups the megatonnage of cool by making it a snowyloaf, which is SO darling (what some Japanese might call "kawaii!!!") and really flips my lid.
I mean, for reals: this looks like some sort of swanky European advertisement graphic from back in the day; something one of the old pros from that period would have put out in between trips to Monaco or Saint-Tropez or even swinging NYFC.