May 11, 2007 7:55 AM
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This page contains a single entry by Chris Leavens published on May 11, 2007 7:55 AM.
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oh... oh... oh... oh...
catches breath....
oh... oh...
dear god please take me now; i've seen it all and even more than I wanted to. Awesomeness.
I'm like this pictures real very much. Am thinking how great it is be to have such garment or cloths for presenting of festival and money barter.
In my home lands we have never such thing but are told many times of legendary moment or event when that we might could.
In the villages, it is desperate popular for to dream of it, as well as America and her mighty street parades.
Am finding it never believe take suit crimson, like it is never in this body. This angrys me and I am aroused to put hand on Stavros body. This only is way I take these critical offence.
I am sorry for my English if not best and I hate Stavros.
This outfit is like a sniper's wet dream.