Western Avenue spans a good north-to-south swath of Los Angeles and along the way samples the city's mish-mash of culture, high and low. Botanica Amazonica sits on the northern edge of L.A.'s Korea Town in a transitional area populated by a mix of mostly Latinos and, of course, Koreans.
I highly suggest you click the above photo and view the larger one for greatest impact.
What a great place to hold your pen; why didn't I ever think of that?
Ah that holy image everyone is fond of: emaciated Jesus with multiple stab wounds throughout his entire body on crutches as mutts play around at his feet. And with Easter coming up, too.
Wow, Chris, you sure caught allot of rare things happening at once!
To find Benjamin Franklin peddling his cartomancy skills in the hopes of raising money to remove the feather lodged in his nose is unusual enough.
But then you go and kick it up a whole notch by catching the very moment when Jesus, still worn and beat-up from the Caesarea Maritima Iron Man triathlon, happens upon the Two Dogs, who were clever enough to open their newly delivered package but were despairing of ever finding help to open the bag of Snausages within.
Given how learned the commenters are on this site, I'm surprised nobody knew that crutches were a pretty standard fashion accessory in the 0020's.
I believe the Jesus and Dogs statue is an ad for Black and White Scotch.