March 5, 2007 9:25 PM
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This page contains a single entry by Chris Leavens published on March 5, 2007 9:25 PM.
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It's like if them Chinese had the nerve to share with us the "Ballad Of Shaolin Mike."
I don't remember exactly how it goes (what with the Chinese never having shared it with me), but it has been whispered in the grotty alley behind the Chinatown T.G.I. Friday's that, prior to his finishing attack, he will ask you if you want it "wid" or "widdout" decapitation.
All of my longest held hopes and dreams have now been replaced by an all-consuming desire to see Burt Reynolds take to the wires and save some princesses and serve some ancient emperors in the next five Wuxia movies to land in U.S. cinemas.