October is Unloosen Awareness Month and this means you should already be scheduling your month around the soon-to-be-available calendar of events which -- swear to God -- will be published later this week. Until then, you should follow these simple instructions for the first two days of the Unloose schedule.
October 1 & 2: October 1 is over. Hopefully you instinctually delved into the Unloosen archives and read aloud from them to a friend or group of friends, because that's what you were supposed to do on October 1 and 2. If not, administer some sort of self punishment and spend the entirety of October 2 reciting your favorite Unloosen tale in a bad Eastern-European accent.
Also, e-mail your friends and let them know that Unloosen Awareness Month has rolled in like a mighty thunder. Help them be Aware.
More Awareness information is on the way.
Is that what the yelling dude on the pagehead is? A Henry? Or is he the same as these other objects but with a different name? Or is he not one of those at all? Can they hear, or do they feel sound with their arms?
Yes, the yelling dude is most certainly Henry.
All Henries can hear except for the deaf ones. You rarely, if ever, could see any ears on the heads of members of 80s hair-metal superstars RATT, but did you ever doubt that they could hear? No. How could a bunch of deaf guys create such incredible music?
See? Henries work the same way.
I'll get out my official proclamation scroll and the town crier bell that I keep for just these emergencies...
I could see RATT's ears, and you would too--if only you looked with your heart.